An intro to Lean Analytics at GROWTalk Montreal

The Montreal GROWTalk event is a pretty packed lineup, with each speaker only having 20-30 minutes to explain a few aspects of their business or idea. I’m presenting a quick introduction to Lean Analytics, before heading off to Superconf the following day for a workshop.

Here are the slides from the event.

Doing a Workshop at Lean Startup Conference, December 4th in San Francisco

Lean Startup Conference

Alistair and I are very excited to be doing a workshop at this year’s Lean Startup Conference in San Francisco.

The conference itself is on December 3rd. Workshops are on the 4th. There are a bunch of events prior to the conference starting as well. You can check out the site for more details. There are a bunch of other interesting workshops too. Each one is a half-day (I believe), so you’ll have to pick which ones you go to. Pick ours. Just sayin’.

Our workshop will be about using analytics within a Lean Startup to get to product-market fit before the money runs out. We’ll cover many of the highlights from our upcoming book on Lean Analytics. It will be great to put our ideas further to the test with a group of Lean Startup practitioners. You can see some of those ideas in presentation-style here: the One Metric That Matters, which is a high-level primer on Lean Analytics.

Hope to see you there!

Lean Startup Machine Montreal

On Saturday, I presented at the Lean Startup Machine event in Montreal, along with Jeremy Edberg (Reddit, Netflix, eBay) and some others. Several of the people were in town for the International Startup Festival.

It was the first time I’d talked about the One Metric That Matters (OMTM) in public, and the feedback from the audience was good. Admittedly, these folks were in the very early stages of their startups, spending the weekend getting out of the building in order to understand what was going on, so some of the later, more strategic, metrics weren’t as relevant.

We’ll get into what makes a good OMTM shortly; for now, here’s the deck, fresh from our shiny new Slideshare account.