Lean Analytics en français !

We’ve seen copies of the Polish and Korean versions of Lean Analytics in the wild, and spoken with a few of the other translators. We’re excited to see the book reach so many new readers. In the meantime, we’ve been doing a bit of translation of our own!

Photo of the WAQ stage from way up high, by Andréanne Beaulieu

Photo of the WAQ stage from way up high, by Andréanne Beaulieu

Last week, I spoke at Web A Québec, a conference on web technologies that happens in Québec City. I speak French (but far from perfectly) and figured this was a good time to see if I could present some of the ideas behind the book, as well as some lessons about how larger organizations are putting it to work, in French. I translated the slides (and then got some tweaks from the organizers.)

Anyway, here’s the deck, translated. So now you know your Empathie, Fidélité, Viralité, Revenu, and Échelle, whether you are a Marché biface or contenu généré par usagers.

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